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St Neots Town Centre Photographs

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Paines Brewery, March 2002 - Nick.
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The somewhat controversial town mosaic.  How much money did it cost and was it worth it?  Have your say by posting here. 

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Fish eye lens shot with St. Mary's in the background - Bob Thacker, 2001

A snowy High Street - Dorian

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Thanks to Bambi Monkjack, our plucky roving reporter who took these snaps of a rainy Saturday St. Neots morning.

"I visited the UK for 5 weeks over Xmas/New year and stayed in your great town. My kids enjoyed the snow that fell! Here are a couple of Pictures taken from Brook St that you may like to add to your collection. - John Holtum, New Zealand, 2001

View of the square from the top of Calcutts. 
Courtesy of the Hong Kong Restaurant (24/01/2001)

2nd view of the square from the top of Calcutts. 
Courtesy of the Hong Kong Restaurant (24/01/2001)

Paul Goldstraw
St Neots' most famous jeweller
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