Community / Health |
Please also see the Local Business Health section. If you contact anyone as a result of this page, please tell them where you saw their advert!
Also, if you know of any organisation that would benefit from a listing on here please let us know. Non-commercial listings are free, commercial listings cost a token fee.
Almond Road Clinic |
Almond Road Clinic, St. Neots
| |
Almond Road Surgery |
Almond Road Surgery, St. Neots
| |
Bishops Rd Clinic |
Bishops Rd Clinic, Eynesbury, St. Neots
| |
Cambridge Environmental Health |
Cambridge City Council | |
Cedar House Surgery |
Cedar House Surgery, 14 Huntingdon St, St. Neots
| |
Childline |
Childline Freephone number 0800 1111 | |
Providing services to the 755,000 residents of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who suffer from mental health problems. | |
Dentists |
Call the Health Information Service for local dentists:
| |
Health Centre |
Health Centre, Gt. North Rd, Eaton Socon
| |
Healthy Eating in St Neots |
Hunts Primary Care trust have set up a St Neots Family Group to encourage us to eat more healthily. | |
Huntingdonshire Environmental Health |
Huntingdonshire District Council | |
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline |
NSPCC Child Protection Helpline Freephone number | |
Samaritans |
Samaritans(0345) 909090 (local rate)
| |
Smokers Quitline |
Smokers Quitline (Freephone number) | |
Women's Aid National Helpline |
Women's Aid National Helpline | |